Discover all the expert techniques, tips, and secrets you need to design, build, repair, and maintain YOUR OWN amazingly realistic model railroad, just like the ones you’ve seen at model train shows ...

A layout that’s incredibly well detailed?

A layout where the trains run reliably without derailments, and without erratic stops and starts?

A layout where you can save up 72% off the retail price of model trains and accessories?

A layout that will fit within the space you have available?

And one you CAN complete inside your budget ... no matter how restricted your space or budget might be?

For a start, you’ll need the right information, laid out in the right way, so you can make the right decisions. And a knowledge of how to avoid the common mistakes that almost every rail modeler makes … not to mention those frustrating problems that waste so much time, or cost a small fortune to fix.

Problem is; starting off in the hobby, or upskilling, can seem daunting, expensive AND time wasting… especially if you have to search all over for the right information.
Fortunately, when it comes to model railroading, most problems are either preventable or fixable. But, it’s easiest when you start out by knowing the best way to do things, where to find the answers, and how to solve and fix any problems quickly and easily yourself.
That’s where this Beginners Blueprint series of 6 e-books can save you time, money, and frustration. Each e-book is SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND, QUICK & EASY TO DOWNLOAD (delivered almost instantly to your computer in the popular simple-to-use PDF format). You’ll get to see proven step-by-step techniques and solutions to problems, to make all the difficult tasks EASY!

8 steps to choosing the right scale for your needs. The pro's and con's of choosing OO, HO, O, N or Z. Get this right and you'll prevent problems later!

The 5 low-cost (and no-cost) fun methods for making real-looking shrubs & trees (tree profile drawingsincluded...all explained step by step. The HUGE MISTAKE to absolutely avoid with tree making.

Stunning ideas for making your own realistic grassed meadows and mountainous landscapes!.

The single MAJOR cause for model trains to operate erratically.

What better way to relax than to create your very own miniature model train world of your dreams. A model train layout where all your family, friends, and children can share in the fun and enjoyment as your favorite diesel or steam loco hauls its load across a trestle bridge before disappearing momentarily into a tunnel, only to appear from the otherside as if by magic!

How to properly lay and fix track ballasting to avoid stoppages, and for a most realistic effect!

EXPOSED: The critical MISTAKE and BIGGEST difficulty with building a layout...and how to avoid stumbling into the same trap!

Knowing what to purchase and how much to spend... the options and what NOT to do!

Why the lowest price isn't necessarily the best...even on a tight budget. The things that don’t work... and what you can grab for FREE!
"The Beginners Blueprint" has been developed over many years from more than 5,600 readers (ranging from beginners to very experienced veterans) providing feedback, comments, and advice... so it's guaranteed to answer ALL your questions.

Indeed, "The Beginners Blueprint" can help you make the right decisions to create your layout in the correct sequence starting from the ground up. It will take away the guesswork of planning and constructing the perfect model railway... complete with natural looking trees, a raging waterfall, rippling stream, a fire scene with smoke, easy to build roadways, authentic buildings, an interesting to operate branch line, a classification yard, fields and fencing, spectacular mountain scenery with curved tunnels... it's all here for you!
The moment you have this valuable resource in your hands, it will be only a matter of time before you’ll have your feet up, relaxing, and enjoying the fun of operating your model trains!

Cut through all the technical gobble-dy-gook. Terms like: "back emf", "boosters", "HOn3", "narrow gauge", "turnout", "circuit breaker", "minimum radius" and "command control"... all made easy to understand!

The correct track geometry for the laying parallel track... shown step-by-step.

The very best methods for making your own roads. 2 easy-to-follow techniques explained one step at a time with clever detailing ideas for amazing realism.

The very best methods for making your own roads. 2 easy-to-follow techniques explained one step at a time with clever detailing ideas for amazing realism.
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking... can I really and truly create my very own model railroad layout? Yes you can...

How to master projects like like a pro. All explained - making your own trees, roads, grassed fields, fences, rocks, smoke, mountains, tunnels and even a raging waterfall and rippling steam! (with clever tips and useful ideas to save you cash!)

New easy-to-follow photo tutorials including: the easiest way to build a frame and baseboard, how to electrically join two baseboards, how to lay ballast, solder track, and more!

How do you convert your DC layout to DCC, and is it worthwhile? The truth on buying a DCC system, and the startling omission most people do not expect.

A model train veteran for 32 years "spills the beans" on how to make model trains run smoother and better without continually slowing down!

The rails that require most cleaning... what to avoid. How rail-joiners operate... and, how to stop them disconnecting causing derailments.

How to select and construct the perfect layout to fit your budget and space availability. A layout that will give endless fun for years to come.

Mysteries to weathering revealed: The fast and simple ways to give structures and rolling stock and an "aged" look with the feel of wear and tear... and, what NOT to do if you want your structures to look real!

Where to begin when buying rolling stock. What to watch for... how to choose what's right for you... and what you categorically MUST avoid. Which train couplers to select and what to spend.

The ingeniously easy ways to skillfully repair minor faults yourself WITHOUT needing to pay the cost of repairs.

How and where to research if automobiles, signage, people figures, and other details are right for the setting... PLUS the 9 essentials for creating more natural-looking scenery.
Let’s face it; creating and operating your own model railroad shouldn’t be frustrating… it should be FUN!
The “Beginners Blueprint” series will give you straight-forward, no-nonsense REAL answers to everything you ever wanted explained… all step-by-step in 6 easy-to-download e-books.

Learn the techniques for wiring a reverse loop. Step-by-step diagrams.

The way to prevent motor burnouts! Try my simple test to see if your loco is working too hard.

Stuck or defective coupler, twisted wheel, broken flange, track out of alignment... what to look for, and what to do.

What to do if your loco freezes when the current still flows.
You can have the complete "Beginners Blueprint" series at your fingertips within 5 minutes... so there's no waiting... and no shipping to pay.

After you've progressed from the beginner stage and have your layout up and running, you may want to expand and take your layout to the next level, with more advanced techniques and skills.

You may be worried that "The Beginners Blueprint" will cost you the earth... actually; you won't need to fear about that. My personal policy is to always provide value for money and that's precisely what I'm presenting here. I've had customers say I should be charging $180, $250 or more for the valuable information in these e-books.

The right ways to plan your track-work and extensions to your layout when built. Tricks of the trade shared!

Discover the little details that require attention (they’ll make a BIG BIG difference to your railroad.)

Discover the little details that require attention (they’ll make a BIG BIG difference to your railroad.)

The little known insider secrets to bringing cheaper rolling stock to life!
Truth is; I not charging $250, $180, or even $100 to access the useful resources you'll get here... notwithstanding they will potentially save you thousands through the lifetime of your model railroad.
In fact; if you're decisive and move now, you can snag the complete "Beginners Blueprint" series ($67.00) with 6 FREE BONUS GIFTS (valued at $211.95) including FREE instant access to the Online Model Train Club for ONE month for an insanely low price of just $67 $37. Now, what could be fairer than that?
YES! I'm giving you the opportunity to grab 6 valuable bonuses at no extra charge (total package value $211.95 plus $67 = $278.95) for just $37, but you'll need to ACT NOW!

This e-book expands on the details for building a layout, selecting the best track plan for your space, constructing background and below track level scenic features, and very low-cost industries to make. You'll even get 2 tutorials taking you step-by-step through the planning and construction of a small layout.
Now... I'm the first to admit, although comprehensive, this e-book won't detail absolutely everything. FACT IS; it would take thousands of pages to cover every facet of this compelling topic, but this e-book condenses the most helpful ideas into 107 pages of useful advice.

This e-book explores various avenues of this wonderful hobby. Obviously to canvas everything would take up an entire library, so instead it looks at many of the most asked about topics. I get hundreds of letters and emails each week so have compiled this ebook with the frequently asked questions in mind.... a wide range of answers on soldering and solving derailments, LED lighting, through to coping with S curves... and so much more!

"Confessions of a Mobile Layout Builder" gives the ins-and-outs of constructing a transportable train layout. It walks you through track design possibilities, construction modes, operation and expansion options... with loads more ideas to keep the process easy. A must read!

"110 Handy Tips" is exactly what the name implies. This is a handy reference guide chock-full of tips and answers to everyday problems that confound most in the hobby at some point or another. Packed with tips for: turnouts, ballasting, couplers, flywheel problems, power supply, track cleaning, track access, decoders, making scenery, and lots more!

You'll also receive 4 fascinating and informative video clips sure to interest anyone keen on learning more about this wonderful hobby. They are easy to download and save to your computer as a future reference.
PLUS - An audio with model railroad veteran Tom Hobson who has installed 46 decoders in locomotives and shares a few tips from his experience.

My private Online Model Train Club is a month-to-month membership. You may take a look-see inside the club and if you decide to cancel within the first 30-days you will not be charged again. The first months membership is free and you're welcome to stay on as a member for as long as you choose (you will be billed just $27 mth) and get to keep the BONUS GIFTS (even if you do cancel). The choice is yours! You'll gain private access to more and more helpful resources each month. You may cancel in any month and you will not be charged again.

The very best way to prevent wiring problems!

REVEALED: The 6 ways to stop expensive mistakes when purchasing a locomotive.

The correct ways to put a stop to cars rolling off the track!

Discover the secrets to smoother acceleration with better control at lower speeds.
This exciting bonus allows you to access for ONE WHOLE MONTH, all the Level #1 resources of my online model train club including a helpful DCC video, getting started videos and tips, lots of planning, design and scenery ideas and much more. Why am I giving you free access for an entire month? Simple - I know you'll be impressed and not want to miss out on all the resources, tips and clever ideas inside the club. It is like a GIANT RESOURCE LIBRARY for you to tap into when you need help. Each month you go up a level and get access to more and more useful resources.
Option #1: One-off $67 payment WITHOUT the free bonuses or free one month club membership.
Option #2: For just $67 $37 today you can get instant access to the complete "Beginners Blueprint" series, PLUS the 6 FREE BONUS GIFTS! Your initial charge will be $37. You will then be charged $27/month until you cancel any month during my membership.
So why am I giving you this complete package (valued at $67 + $211.95 = $278.95) for only $67 $37?

How DC and DCC compare. What's best? The pros and cons revealed!

5 track cleaning techniques explained and one thing you MUST NEVER do.

The ingeniously easy techniques for replicating grime, rust, mud including tire marks for extra realism! The simple-as idea that will definitely impress others!

The hidden errors that will get spotted... and are simpler to fix during construction.
Simple ... This comprehensive package is delivered by download almost immediately your payment is processed. I’m saving on shipping costs so can pass those savings directly to you.
You'll get PDF files which are readable on any computer, Mac, or tablet. You can save these files to your hard drive for easy access anytime, or anywhere, day or night. They work on any computer!
The downloads are quick even on the slowest of old technology internet connections. Other internet connections are considerably faster.
You can freely printout whatever you want. I did investigate printing and distributing physical copies, but the increased price would have been more than 4 times the cost of this offer owing to shipping & printing costs. I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s best to keep this package affordable. The videos easy-to-download mp4 format.

Do's & Don'ts of building with modules. Actual track plan examples and construction diagrams included.

Learn the best way to wire a reverse loop. With step-by-step diagrams.

The right way to cut & solder track. How to electrically join 2 baseboards - photo tutorials.

The true reasons of derailments... the causes pin-pointed and SOLVED
But, To Make This Decision A Complete "No-Brainer", You'll also qualify for my 100% Money-Back Guarantee...

Think about it... $67 $37 is a small amount for such valuable easy-to-follow, step-by-step information. And, you can be get started within 5 minutes.
All in all, just one single idea out of this package could save you hundreds of dollars, so investing $67 $37 makes good sense.
Getting underway is simple. Just click on the ‘Add To Cart’ button below...

PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to end this special discount at any time without prior warning.
* Don't want the free bonuses and free one month club membership... one-off $67 payment option here.
You can have your own amazingly realistic, incredibly well detailed, and reliably operating layout… that fits in the space you have available, within your budget and, it can happen without making costly mistakes.

Using LED lighting - what you need to know.

DCC track wiring diagrams made EASY to understand.

The amps you'll require to confidently run 1, 2, 3, or 4 trains!

EXPLAINED: How circuit breakers work to protect your railroad accessories!
The “Beginners Blueprint” series with private membership to the Online Model Train Club IS the quickest and easiest way to get started with your “dream model railroad.”
I've given you full details of the special 44% OFF discount offer and 6 FREE bonus gifts that are available right now so it's over to you act now!
As a member of my private "Members Only" Online Model Train Club...

Immediately your $37 payment is approved, you'll be taken to your download page for you to access the complete "Beginners Blueprint" package, register your username and password for entry to the club, and access all the bonuses within a few minutes.
So, within approx. 5 minutes you’ll have the precise information you'll need to get started planning and creating the layout of your dreams... one that will impress both yourself and your family and friends.

Precisely how to configure an interchange track... and why it's worthwhile including plenty of switching moves.

The way to use flywheels for more realistic smoother running. The simple ways to complete advanced things such as track section wiring or turnout motor wiring.

The way to use flywheels for more realistic smoother running. The simple ways to complete advanced things such as track section wiring or turnout motor wiring.

The commonly used household items that make incredible ground cover, roads, rocks, fences and other scenic props for little or no cost.
Don't delay; the sooner you access these important resources, the sooner your dream model railroad will be up and running! Take action TODAY... not tomorrow!

P.S. Finally you can have your "DREAM layout" to impress both yourself, your friends and your family. This is a 'no-brainer' investing the $67 $37 to save yourself wasted time, money, and avoidable frustration when planning and constructing your ultimate scale model railroad. You’ll be well equipped to avoid all the commonplace mistakes, and know the answers to those challenging questions without even having to think about it.
PLUS for just $37 you'll also get the exciting 6 bonuses and ebooks together valued at $278.95...
PLUS as always, you’ll get my personal no questions asked 100% money back guarantee... It doesn’t get any fairer than that!!
Value $278.95 ... Today Just $67 $37

For just $67 $37 today you can get instant access to the complete "Beginners Blueprint" series PLUS the other 6 free bonus gifts! Your initial charge will be $37. You will then be charged $27/month until you cancel any month during your membership after your initial charge has been made.

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Satisfied Customers and Members Worldwide
My first e-book for model railway enthusiasts was published in 2005, and the popular Online Model Train Club has proven a valuable and trusted resource for hobbyists worldwide since early 2011. Thousand now have model railroads who never thought they could.

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